Thursday, August 20, 2009


Soooo a while ago I went down to pick my mom up from the LAX airport and decide to hang out with mr.kyle and shooting him for my photo assignment called eyewear! 

Of course we had to play first!

THEN IT WAS TIME TO BE SERIOUS and get things done lol! What ever we always have fun!

me and my friend courtney

This is the amazing friend of mine who is going to be an amazing famous photographer some day in NY! but in the mean time she is allowing me to crash her pad! 

We rock out here!!! im telling you people she rocks my sock!

Ok So sleeping my car

I just realized that I slept in my car on a previous post and also realized that people are
yelling at me for it lol but IT IS OK!  I PINKY PROMISE

I only slept in it for like 4hrs because my friend and i got home earlier then i was suppose to and i didn't want to wake up my friend that i am staying with. 

It was in her drive way and up on a hill and no body would hurt me plusssss my car has an alarm system in it and if any creeper would have tried to open my door it would have gone CRAZY on the dumb person!

Thank you all for your concern though lol

So on Monday and Tuesday I got to go to SF to work with Marcy and her team that shoots for Blue Canoe, they are an all organic clothing company hmm...interesting :) 

Marcy Sent us these images to show us how if you put a soft box
close to the model with a grid on it and on very low power
how much of a difference it makes in the clothing and how it also
fills in things with a very natural look! 

Told you she is AMAZING!!!!



Oh and I was holding the soft box....
also teaching up the models hair when she was
in her yoga positions hehe

THE CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 paid assistants 1 free assistant (me)
Studio Manger

Charles on the left (assistant) NICOLE BEST (studio manger and she is SOOOOOOO AMAZING) me Wooo Hooo! and Shana (assistant) (oh and i don't think this is how you spell her name but i cant find her card at the moment so i will find it and let you know :) )

We I live

So I was kicked out of my place because of crazy reasons and all but not had to do with me :) which is good.


that makes me homeless for the next week or so.......and i have been crouch surfing.

1. with kj for a week WHICH WAS so sweet
2. in sf for a weekend
3. my car one night lol fun times.
4. at courtney millers home here is her room :) SO blessed to have places to go when i have no home!


OK so I have 11 days till I leave!! 

11 DAYS.....I am very blown away by this!

At this point I am planning on working with Marcy Maloy a kids fashion photographer.
Please check out her stuff she is amazing!

Also I will be working with Jim Hughes who is great as well. 

I will be up there for 4 months well at least that is what the plan is not sure if the Lord will call me to be there longer but we will pray :)

THis isnt here i am  going to live but i LOVE the purple house!!
Please pray that my roommate and I would live where ever the Lord would have us :)